2022-09-20 14:00

Venture Investor/Inventor and expert in ESG, renewable energy, and sustainability segments, Alec Saltikoff has recently joined Angara’s Advisory Board.

Angara is proud to announce the new member of the Advisory Board – Alec Saltikoff, who has more than 20 years of experience in the sustainability and global energy efficiency industry. His knowledge and international expertise will be invaluable as we accelerate our global expansion and continue to build our international clientele. The Angara team looks forward to working closely with Mr. Saltikoff.

Alec Saltikoff – As Global Head of Sustainability and Energy at JPMorgan Chase & Co., Alec Saltikoff oversaw programs related to energy efficiency, sustainability, renewable energy, and maximizing de-carbonization synergies for the firm’s Global Real Estate division. Served as Vice-Chair of the World Green Building Council Corporate Advisory Board, Co-Chair of REBNY Sustainability Committee, Director of the Board of Directors of New York Energy Consumers Council (NYECC), Chair of NYECC Energy New York Award (ENYA) Committee.

Alec is a graduate of the executive management program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management, where he was awarded an Executive Certificate in Leadership and Management. Alec holds a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Manhattan College. Alec possesses the following industry certifications: Certified Business Energy Professional (BEP), Certified Energy Manager (CEM), Certified Energy Procurement Professional (CEP), Certified Energy Auditor (CEA), Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional (LEED AP).

As a fast-growing international company, Angara continues to apply leading corporate governance standards. We believe that Mr. Saltikoff will add significant value to this important process.

“We are honored to welcome Alec to our Advisory Board. His in-depth expertise in sustainability and investment programs and strategies will be a major asset in supporting us in the development of Angara in line with the best international standards." – said Val Krivenko, the Executive Chairman of the Board.

About Angara:
ANGARA is a decarbonization focused technology company that helps clients across several energy intensive industries globally to substantially abate emissions and save costs through an innovative approach to boosting the efficiency of heat exchanging equipment, reducing energy consumption, and improving production yield. In petroleum refining alone, our suite of technologies could abate Scope 1 emissions of 400 mtCO2/year of which 160 mtCO2/year are available now, with existing equipment. It would save $50+ billion/year in energy & carbon costs.
ANGARA’s DecarbonX Program is a pragmatic decarbonization solution, a greening technology that helps the world NOW, does not require CAPEX, and could be applied globally. Technology is ready: DNV audited CO2 abatement potential and gave TRL8+.
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