Tailored recipe penetrates deep into the hard fouling structure and releases oxygen
Smart Schedule
Dynamic cleaning schedule derived from operational, economical and maintenance data analysis and integration.
Smart Cleaning
Digitally controlled physical cleaning accompanied by new fouling samples retrieval to tailor next cleaning recipe and schedule.
How we work
The client signs a 3+ years contract and provides access to historical and current operational data for heat exchangers.
Angara team certifies, trains and supervises a local service provider to operate on site.
Angara team sets up heat exchangers performance monitoring, determines cleaning schedule, develops recipes and provides composition for the next cleaning.
What does Cognitive Cleaning give
reduction of downstream CO2 emissions without any capital investment
up to 40%
Angara’s mission is to empower the world through the most innovative industrial cleaning approach – enabling businesses, economies and the planet to thrive
reduction of downstream CO2 emissions with a relatively minor hardware upgrade